The Gang Lost Another One

  • By traceyH
  • August 23, 2013
  • Comments Off on The Gang Lost Another One

My mom, Maureen Power, has been friends with a group since Milby High School Days.  My brother and I grew up with this group and their children.  They have all stayed close throughout the many, many years.  From crazy teenagers in the 1940’s, through marriages, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  And as most good things – we see that their time is beginning to end.

I guess my dad, L.M. Jack Power, was the first to leave the group.  He died in 1986.  They lost Horace Saskie in 2007.  My mom died in 2010.  We have now lost Betty Turner.    Services for Betty are tomorrow, August 24, 2013 at Grandview in Pasadena, TX.

Mom & Betty Turner February 1996

Mom & Betty Turner February 1996

When we were kids (you know back before electronics and internet – during the time of dinosaurs) our parents entertained themselves by “visiting” their friends.  My brother and I spent hours and hours and hours with the Turners.  We’ll never forget the spook houses that Mike & Doug would create to scare the little ones (that would have been us and their little sister Cyndy Sue.

It is hard to find such friendships these days but I know that the gang will gather once again just in another neighborhood.



Categories: Family & Friends

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