Another Gang Member Has Moved On

  • By traceyH
  • May 7, 2014
  • Comments Off on Another Gang Member Has Moved On

My parent’s “gang” lost another one last month.   Felix Craig, husband to Sally and dad to Bobby and Billy.   Sally and Felix were as much a part of my family as were my aunts and uncles.  I remember so many, many times spent with the Craig family.  Growing up, Bobby and Billy were like two more brothers.   I remember making a few road trips with them, back when cars where BIG – or at least I remember them being big or was I just small???

The Power Family & The Craig Family made a trip to Six Flags.  Daddy and Felix in the front seat with Tony and Billy sandwiched between them.  Mom and Sally in the back with Bobby and myself between them.  I don’t remember the activities at Six Flags as well as the activities at the roadside hotel where we staid.  Remember those roadside hotels that were in a horseshoe shape where a courtyard sat in the middle with a small pool?

We were all out in the courtyard Saturday evening.  Parents sitting around talking and we were running around playing.  I remember we had all bought Indian souvenirs that day at Six Flags.  There were hatchets and drums and I believe bows and arrows.  It was just one of those young memories that you love to pull out every once in a while to replay.  Still makes me smile almost 50 years later.

I wanted to post a picture of Felix so I went to search through my mom’s thousands of pictures.  I figured it would take me hours to find the perfect picture.  Would you believe – I found it in the first book I pulled off the shelf AND on the first page.

Felix Pic

Here’s Felix Craig with two of the most important men in my life – Daddy and my son, Joshua.  This picture was taken in 1981.  Josh was almost three.

I’m sure that Daddy and Felix are out in the boat doing some fishing while Mom is waving to them from the pier.

Categories: Family & Friends

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