don as probate ark

Good Bye Probate – Hello Full Patch

  • By traceyH
  • July 8, 2014
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Well, you know from my last post that Don has joined a motorcycle club – The San Jacinto High Rollers. Recap:  The San Jacinto High Rollers (SJHR) is the oldest … Continue Reading →

hr back vest

Texas Lions Camp and San Jacinto High Rollers MC

  • By traceyH
  • June 26, 2014
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I haven’t gotten around to talking about all the changes going on around our house yet,  but I’ve got to jump ahead to tell you about this awesome weekend Don … Continue Reading →

daddy and josh

Happy Father’s Day

  • By traceyH
  • June 15, 2014
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It’s been a long time since I was able to say that to my Daddy.  Actually, 27 Father’s Days have passed.  Wow – Almost half my life.  Damn, I am … Continue Reading →

tony digging at the graveyard

Diggin’ In The Graveyard

And how did you spend your Friday?  Well, we spent ours digging in the graveyard. Caledonia Cemetery is located in the southeastern corner of Rusk County, Texas where FM 1971 … Continue Reading →

mothers day helmet 1

How Was Your Mother’s Day?

  • By traceyH
  • May 30, 2014
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Had a very lovely Mother’s Day myself. First, my dear husband surprised me with a SUNDAY delivery of flowers. Okay, I’m a couple of days over 50 (truthfully it is … Continue Reading →


Happy Mother’s Day Mom

  • By traceyH
  • May 11, 2014
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This will be the fourth Mother’s Day that I haven’t been able to tell my Mom – Happy Mother’s Day. Wasn’t she absolutely beautiful! Miss you Mom and think about … Continue Reading →

birdhouse finished

Grandma’s Construction Helpers

  • By traceyH
  • May 7, 2014
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Grady & Sterling jumped right into a new construction project.  I returned home from a great SNAP 2014 conference and Home Depot was one of our generous sponsors.  They provided … Continue Reading →

Felix Pic

Another Gang Member Has Moved On

  • By traceyH
  • May 7, 2014
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My parent’s “gang” lost another one last month.   Felix Craig, husband to Sally and dad to Bobby and Billy.   Sally and Felix were as much a part of my family as … Continue Reading →

Mom & Betty Turner February 1996

The Gang Lost Another One

  • By traceyH
  • August 23, 2013
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My mom, Maureen Power, has been friends with a group since Milby High School Days.  My brother and I grew up with this group and their children.  They have all … Continue Reading →

Marshmellow Roast smaller

How To Roast A Marshmallow

  • By traceyH
  • August 23, 2013
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There is a first time for everything and it was time for the boys to learn the fine art of Marshmallow Roasting. What you need: Two enthusiastic little boys Grandpa … Continue Reading →