Good Bye Probate – Hello Full Patch

  • By traceyH
  • July 8, 2014
  • Comments Off on Good Bye Probate – Hello Full Patch

Well, you know from my last post that Don has joined a motorcycle club – The San Jacinto High Rollers.

Recap:  The San Jacinto High Rollers (SJHR) is the oldest American Motorcycle Association (AMA) motorcycle club in Texas. It was founded in Pasadena in 1957.    The club is family oriented and geared toward brotherhood.  San Jacinto High Rollers have 13 chapters throughout Southeast Texas and Don belongs to the Hardin Chapter.   The First President, Milton Wood, founded the High Rollers as an AMA Chartered and non-profit organization (under 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code) to provide assistance for children in need and to improve the public image of motorcycling.  SJHR has supported many benefits and charities over the years .


Ark Trip

SJHR Ride Through Arkansas May 2014

Before you can become what is know as a “full patch member” of the High Rollers, you must spend a minimum of 180 days as a PROBATE.  Probates spend their 180 days (or more) learning about the club and what it means to be a full patch member.  Once your Probate Period is over and the current  full patch members of the club believe that you are worthy of becoming a member of the San Jacinto High Rollers, you then receive your “full patch” and all privileges and responsibilities of membership.

don as probate ark“Probate Don”


We are happy to announce that Don received his patch Saturday along with his fellow SJHR Probate Bruce.


don patch in with bruceIron Horse & Driller – Newest Members of SJHR – Hardin Chapter

don patch in back Full Patch Member – Yeah Don!



Everybody –  Notice his “roadname” –  Don is now known as IRON HORSE.  Yep, he has given up his beautiful yellow horses and gorgeous paint horses for ……….

beast at monument

This is what he rides now – American Iron Horse

I don’t know about y’all but I sure miss my cowboy.

don opie trail

Yep, that’s Don – On my kinda horse winning a Reserve World Championship


Categories: Family & Friends

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