Happy Father’s Day

  • By traceyH
  • June 15, 2014
  • Comments Off on Happy Father’s Day

It’s been a long time since I was able to say that to my Daddy.  Actually, 27 Father’s Days have passed.  Wow – Almost half my life.  Damn, I am but getting old.

mom and dad wedding

Mom & Dad Wedding Day – Aren’t they the most beautiful couple you have ever seen?


I think about my Daddy throughout the days.  I wonder what he would have looked like as an old man (I’m older today than my Dad was when he died).  I wonder what he would have done during these last 27 years, if he would have lived.  I wonder how different my life would be today, if he had lived longer.  I wonder how different Josh’s life would be.  I wonder how different Tony’s life would be.  I know my Mom’s life would have been so much better – so much happier, so much brighter.  When my Dad died, part of my Mom died too.  Heck, part of all of us died that day.  He was so important to all of us.  So much a part of our life.  He was bigger than life.  He was our Strength – our Wisdom – our Support – our Protector.  It was Daddy that we went to when we were in trouble, had a problem, needed something, or just wanted to know that someone loved us – unconditional and with all his heart.

daddy - holding on

You always knew you were safe when Daddy was around. 
You knew that he would be there for YOU always
No matter what – No matter when.


I was a Daddy’s girl – that’s for sure!  I’m proud of it too.   Nothing mattered more to Daddy than Me, Tony & Mother – That is until Joshua was born.  JOSHUA hung the moon and held the sky as far as my Daddy was concerned.  He took the title GRANDDADDY very, very, very seriously.

daddy and joshDaddy was the best friend Josh ever had


I know how bad Josh hurt when his Granddaddy died and I still cry for Joshua’s loss but I also cry for my brother’s loss.  I know how much it hurts Tony that his son, Travis never got to experience the love that Joshua did from Granddaddy.  But the wonderful thing about Tony and Travis is that Tony learned how to be a DADDY from the best and Travis got that after my Daddy died when Joshua didn’t.

tony just a dad

Tony Just Became A Daddy
(That is Jeannine’s head there in the bottom corner)


Joshua is now a Daddy – and he’s a good one.  His little boys love him very much!

josh and boys

Joshua, Grady, and Sterling


And Travis and Hannah are expecting their first in September.

baby powerWhen Jeannine was pregnant we called baby – “LP” (Little Power).
I guess we will call this baby  – “BP” (Baby Power).


Life does go on.  There’s no doubt about that.  We keep our stories, we keep our memories.  I so wish there had been time to make more with my Daddy. I keep the ones I do have – dear to my heart.  I still cry (crying now) whenever I think of him.  I just miss him so much.   I write about him often – some I share – some I don’t.  Maybe I can get through the tears and put some up here as time goes on.

Happy Father’s Day Daddy!

Happy Father’s Day Tony!

Happy Father’s Day Joshua!

Happy Soon-To-Be Father’s Day Travis!

Happy Father’s Day Don!

Categories: Family & Friends

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