How To Roast A Marshmallow

  • By traceyH
  • August 23, 2013
  • Comments Off on How To Roast A Marshmallow

There is a first time for everything and it was time for the boys to learn the fine art of Marshmallow Roasting.

What you need:

  • Two enthusiastic little boys
  • Grandpa to build a fire
  • Wire Clothes Hangers
  • Marshmallows (the big ones)
Marshmellow Roast smaller

Wow! I wonder if Hulk ever roasted marshmallows.


  1. Grandpa builds a small fire with some dead limbs, pinecones and pine needles.
  2. Unwind the wire clothes hangers.  If they are white you will want to burn the end where the marshmallow goes to burn the paint off.
  3. Make sure the burning end of your hanger has a bit of a bend in it so the marshmallow doesn’t fall off.
  4. Push one or two marshmallows on the end of your hanger.  We recommend one until you get the art of roasting marshmallows down (you could run out of marshmallows really quick, while you are learning, if you are practicing with two at a time).
  5. Hold the marshmallow over the fire, suspended 1 to 3 inches above the fire.
  6. Warning:  If you put the marshmallow IN the fire the marshmallow will ignite.  This can be really cool if you have no intention of eating the marshmallow.
  7. Rotate the marshmallow (that means turn your hanger around) until it is your desired color to consume.  Some like them almost toasty others like them burnt.  You will have to determine what your taste buds like.
  8. Remove the marshmallow from the fire.
  9. Warning:  Wire hanger will be hot.  Grandma will remove marshmallows.
  10. Grandma will hand the gooey mess to grandson to eat.
  11. Repeat Steps 4 – 10 until their belly is full.


  • Putting marshmallow directly into fire will produce a flaming marshmallow on the end of your hanger (which was the most fun)
  • Pointing hanger toward the ground will usually result in the marshmallow in dirt or ashes or the dog getting it.
  • Wire hangers get hot (the end in the fire)
  • Five Year Olds do not like burnt marshmallows – Almost Golden Brown was their favorite.
Categories: Family & Friends

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