How Was Your Mother’s Day?

  • By traceyH
  • May 30, 2014
  • Comments Off on How Was Your Mother’s Day?

Had a very lovely Mother’s Day myself.

First, my dear husband surprised me with a SUNDAY delivery of flowers.

mothersday flower box

Okay, I’m a couple of days over 50 (truthfully it is more than a couple) and I’ve never received flowers in a box before.  I was excited about opening the box.  Look what was in inside.

mothersday flowers

Isn’t he so sweet!!!

But wait! There was more.  Surprise Surprise

mothers day helmet 1

Don’t get excited – not the bike, just the helmet.

But what I really wanted was

ryobi saw


Next, my wonderful son invited us over for lunch and cooked some amazing chicken wraps. He had planned to serve us fresh red fish but the fish didn’t cooperate the night before.  But that’s not always the case for him.

josh fishing 1

Being the mother, I offered to bring something to the Mother’s Day party.  I emptied out the fridge in one of my famous “everything but the kitchen sink” salads.

mothers day salad

Everyone enjoyed the meal and we’re looking forward to lots of fun this summer.

Categories: Family & Friends

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