I Finally Did It!

  • By traceyH
  • August 9, 2013
  • Comments Off on I Finally Did It!

Well friends, I finally did it!  IT being this blog.  This is an event I have been going to do for over two years but just couldn’t get around to it.  The time has come and here is the very first post.  I hope we don’t have to wait two years for the second post.  At that rate I’ll be in the ground before I get a dozen posts on here.

Summer means time with the boys.  We’ve been having a blast.   We made Monster Cupcakes one day with the help of Aunt Jeannine.

Some Scary Monster Cupcakes

Some Scary Monster Cupcakes Made By Some Adorable Grandsons

I’ve been spending lots of time cleaning out closets and buildings.  Check out all my listings currently on ebay.  You might find something you need.

More to come!


Categories: Family & Friends

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