So What Have I Completed Lately?

  • By traceyH
  • August 23, 2013
  • Comments Off on So What Have I Completed Lately?

I have been keeping up with the promise of completing one project everyday AND I’ve also been working on several HUGE projects too.

Some tasks I completed in the last week:

  • Had a birthday
  • The photography light “house” is set up
  • Had fun with the boys during their two night sleep over!!
  • Secured a location for our garage sale (really a yard sale)

HUGE Projects Working On:

  • Reader Island Website (
    • This is the e-commerce website to sell our t-shirts, books, signs and other items that have to do with words.
    • The site is functioning but I have to add all the products in now.  Should be 50% loaded with product on September 1st.
  • Let’s Go Junking (
    • My antique, junking, DIY, decorating, crafting, blog
    • The site is functioning now but I need to start populating it.   Will announce it live on September 1st.
  • Etsy Shop (
    • Opened Shop but only have one item in it.
  • eBay Store (
    • This is ongoing.  Doing well on eBay lately.  Getting rid of so much stuff!!
    • Goal:  Have 200 listings active at all times
Categories: Goals & Tasks

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